International Phytotechnology Society Bylaws

Purpose of Society:

The purpose of the Society is to foster the appropriate development of technologies using plants to deal with environmental problems, and to aid in the dissemination of knowledge about these technologies.

The Society is a non-profit organization whose goal is the development of knowledge and application of the described technologies.

Goals of the Society:

To promote the study of all forms of phytotechnologies that aid in environmental stewardship.

To foster the collaborative efforts of researchers and practitioners by offering a forum for them to communicate.

To develop and maintain a Scholarship to fund graduate students studying in any of these areas.

To organize and run international conferences to promote Phytotechnologies and to bring together researchers, regulators, and practitioners to share information.

To promote the International Journal of Phytoremediation and to encourage members to publish data that would be useful not only to research but also the application of the technologies.

To maintain a web presence that will help people interested in Phytotechnologies to find:

  • the information they need to do research or application of the technologies
  • a directory of people and institutions who do research in the subject
  • a listing of those who work to apply the technologies in the field
  • a bulletin board that will aid in matching employers and job seekers


Membership is open to all who are interested in the many uses of plants to solve environmental problems, such as soil, water or air pollution, energy production or any other use of plants to decrease environmental risk or enhance ecological sustainability.

These include, but are not limited to, phytoremediation, phytoextraction, plant-based cover systems, constructed wetlands, ecorestoration of brownfields and waste sites, green roof systems and carbon sequestration.

Members fall into one of four categories:

  • Full Member: any member who is studying, teaching, practicing, regulating or is interested in learning more about phytotechnologies. Membership includes access to all areas of the website, a subscription to the International Journal of Phytoremediation, a discounted registration to any conference put on by the Society, and the quarterly newsletter.
  • Student Member: any undergraduate or graduate student who is studying to have a career in the field of phytotechnology. Membership includes access to all areas of the website, a subscription to the International Journal of Phytoremediation, a student registration to any conference put on by the Society, and the quarterly newsletter.
  • Emeritus Member: any member judged by the Advisory Board to have retired from the field of phytotechnology, but whose knowledge and experience are valuable to the development and deployment of phytotechnologies. Membership includes access to all areas of the website, a subscription to the International Journal of Phytoremediation, a discounted registration to conferences put on by the Society, and the quarterly newsletter.
  • Limited Member: any member who is judged by the Board of Directors to be in a situation where the cost of the membership would be prohibitive. This member would be entitled to access the restricted areas of the web site (should any exist), receive the quarterly newsletter, and be eligible for a discount for conference registration, but would not receive the International Journal of Phytoremediation.

Membership can be denied to any person who is judged by the elected Officers and Advisory Board to be disruptive to the Society. Before any person can be denied membership, the Officers and Advisory Board need to meet with the person and discuss the problems, and work to find a resolution to the problems. Only if there is no meaningful resolution would membership be denied.

Membership Fees:

  • Full Membership: $150
  • Student Membership: $50. Student members are also eligible to apply for free lodging at conferences.
  • Emeritus Membership: $75 includes IJP and reduced rate at conferences
  • Limited Membership: $75 includes reduced rate at conferences

Membership fees are due by the first day of March each year.

If a member in good standing should become unable to pay his or her membership fees due to illness, unemployment or other good reason, they may request from the Advisory Board to retain their membership status, minus receipt of the Journal, for up to one year. This is totally at the discretion of the Advisory Board.

Elected Officers:

All positions are 2 year terms with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms in the position.  After 3 consecutive terms in a position, an Officer or Board member must step down from that position for at least 2 years. 

Conflict of Interest: All Officers must have read and agreed to a Conflict of Interest Policy. The policy can be acquired by contacting the Society President.



  • Elected position with voting rights
  • Leads the daily operations of the Society with input from the Officers and the Board of Directors
  • Leads the Executive Committee

Executive Vice President:                   

  • Elected position with voting rights
  • Assists the President as needed, and is willing and able to step in and assume the duties of the President if required.
  • Member of the Executive and Education & Standards Committees; may serve on other committees

Vice Presidents (3):                                                 

  • Elected positions with voting rights
  • Assists the President and Executive Vice President as needed, and is willing and able to step in and assume the duties of the Executive Vice President if required
  • Each leads one of the 1) Partnership & Growth, 2) Benefits, and 3) Education & Standards Committees; may serve on other committees


  • Elected position with voting rights
  • Handles the correspondence and maintains the official records of the Society.
  • Member of the Executive and Lead of the Outreach Committees; may serve on other committees


  • Elected position with voting rights
  • Handles the financial dealings of the Society, with the oversight of the Officers and the Board of Directors. Manages the Society’s tax filings as a non-profit organization.
  • Member of the Executive and Partnership & Growth Committees; Liaison to all Committees with budgets; may serve on other committees

Board of Directors (9):                                           

  • Elected positions with voting rights
  • Assesses whether the Society is achieving its stated purpose and goals; Oversees the membership of the Society; Recommends changes to the structure of the Society or the bylaws; Maintains final decision as to the appointment of Emeritus members; Takes membership disciplinary action as needed; and otherwise oversees all Society business
  • Mandatory members on all Society Committees; Board members may volunteer for which committee they wish to serve. All committees require a minimum of two (2) Board members.  Therefore, Board members may be assigned if insufficient numbers volunteer for a committee.
  • Includes the designated Webmaster - annual membership provided gratis
  • All Society votes must be made by a quorum (>2/3 present) of the Society Officers and Board and are approved with a simple majority (>50%) of the votes received

Immediate Past President:                                  

  • Non-elected position with voting rights
  • Occupied by the previous President to allow continuity in the running of the Society. Serves as a resource to the newly elected President on information and protocols of the Society.
  • Member of the Executive and Benefits Committees; may serve on other committees

Past Presidents/Society Leaders:    

  • Non-elected position; no voting rights
  • Advisors to the Executive Committee; may serve on other committees


Business Meetings:

Meetings will be held on an annual basis in person at either the Phytotechnologies Conference, or another venue that is decided on by the Board of Directors. The meeting will be announced at least two months in advance, and may be held in two parts. One part will be open to all Society members, to give all members the opportunity to have input into the running of the Society. A second part may be held with only the Elected Officers and Board of Directors present. The minutes of both meetings will be available to all Society members after review and approval by the Board members.


Committees are bodies made up of Society members with the intent of advancing the Society Purpose and Goals.  The function of each committee must be clearly defined and integral to the ongoing operation of the Society.  Proposals to initiate, retire, or change the function of a committee must be voted upon.

All Society votes must be made by a quorum (>2/3 present) of the Society Officers and Board and are approved with a simple majority (>50%) of the votes received.


Executive Committee:  President (lead), EVP (backup), Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Board members (minimum); Past Presidents/Society Leaders (optional)

Function:  Sets the strategic directions and provides accountable leadership for the Society

  • Organizes and runs the Society Elections (odd numbered years) - delegated to the Past Presidents/Society Leaders or incumbent President in their third consecutive term. Lead is responsible for identifying willing nominees for each elected position.  Any individual running for an elected position may not be the Lead of the election process. 
  • Nominates Society members to receive, and moderates the Society Awards (see below): Gordon, Ebbs, Distinguished Service, Top Student Platform and Poster Presenters, Others as proposed and approved by vote
  • Helps recruit Society members (non-Officers, non-Board members) to participate and serve on the Society’s functional committees
  • Develops the Society’s Strategic Plans (3-year) with input from all Society Committees
  • Maintains a budget for Awards: $5,000 per year (student cash awards, plaques, awardee travel, etc.)


Partnership & Growth Committee:  EVP or VP (lead), Treasurer (backup), 2 Board members (minimum)

Function:  Build the Society’s membership, promote the Society’s internal and external liaisons, including funding partnerships, and maintain the diversity of the Society’s demographics

  • Tracks and manages the Society Membership; recruits new Society members; ensures a balanced global membership in the Society
  • Networks with other societies and organizations with related or aligned Purpose and Goals
  • Identifies opportunities and helps conduct Fundraising for the Society
  • Develops and monitors student engagement, formation of Student Chapters; identifies long-standing Society members to mentor student engagement/chapters
  • Maintains a budget for supporting partnership and growth activities: $TBD per year


Outreach Committee:  EVP or VP (lead), Webmaster Board member (backup), 1 additional Board member (minimum)

Function:  Develop and maintain the public facing communications of the Society; provide content to aid in recruiting new Society members; promote connectivity within the Society

  • Responsible for maintaining and updating the Society Website and related social media forums
  • Responsible for developing and maintaining periodic communications (e.g. e-Newsletter; see below) promoting the achievements of the Society and its members
  • Develops outreach, publicity, and advertising materials to promote the Society
  • Maintains a budget for web maintenance and to professionally develop promotional materials: $TBD (set up), $1,200 per year (web maintenance)


Benefits Committee:  EVP or VP (lead), Immediate Past President (backup), 2 Board members (minimum)

Function:  Develop services and materials of benefit to the Society and its members

  • Interfaces with the International Journal of Phytoremediation on Journal subscriptions; identifies and administers support mechanisms for IJP/manuscript development services (language translation, technical writing, editing)
  • Solicits proposals for candidate locations/venues for the annual Society Conferences; works with and is a resource to the local organizers
  • Develops and maintains a formal process to solicit nominations and recommend for vote of students to receive supplemental IPS Scholarships (e.g. $500 to $1,000 awards).
  • Designs, establishes, and maintains a members-only forum on the Society website to provide peer assists for student researchers, experimental design reviews, other research collaborations, job postings/seeking, resume/career advice
  • Maintains a budget for conferences ($5,000) and scholarships ($TBD): $5,000 +$TBD
  • (FUTURE; consider incorporating into the strategic plan) Establishes and issues calls for proposals for IPS Research grants and other Funding Opportunities ($10,000+)


Education & Standards Committee:  EVP or VP (lead), Secretary (backup), 2 Board members (minimum)

Function:  Build the collective competencies and credibility of the Society and its members

  • Maintains the definition of Phytotechnologies that are consider in-scope for the Society
  • Coordinates with NIEHS in the Phyto-Scholars grant and program administration
  • Identifies themes, recruits and assists developers of Educational materials for members to use; organizes and recruits presenters for IPS-sponsored webinars (liaison with Webmaster)
  • (FUTURE; consider incorporating into the strategic plan) Establishes themes and coordinates the development of consensus-based Standards of Practice for phytotechnologies
  • (FUTURE; consider incorporating into the strategic plan) Establishes and administers an Associate’s Degree Accreditation (e.g. Phyto-Certification)



The Society operates as a non-profit society, with funds raised either through the conferences, membership fees, grants, donations or awards. The funds will be held in a bank account with access requiring the signatures of the Treasurer and one other Officer.

Funds will be used for:

  • Organizing and running the conferences
  • Organizing and running other outreach events and workshops
  • Conference hotel rooms for students
  • Travel for foreign speakers as available
  • Travel for US speakers, Elected Officers and Board Members as needed
  • Scholarships


Four months prior to elections, those Society members wishing to run or nominate a candidate for either an Elected Office or the Advisory Board must submit to the Election Committee a 350-word biography and a 350-word statement wherein they state why they are nominating themselves or someone else for election to a given position and what they would hope to do in that position to better the Society and to promote the Goals of the Society.

Three months before elections, the Election Committee will send out to all active members the information about the candidates. The Election Committee with work with the Website Committee to have all information posted on the web, and to set up an on-line voting page. Election votes need to be cast within one month.

The results of the election will be formally announced at the Annual Meeting.


These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of voting members. Amendments may be suggested by any member, and placed on a ballot at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


In the event the organization ceases to operate, all assets will be donated to another 501c3 non-profit organization, or sold with the proceeds donated to another 501c3 non-profit or religious organization. 

Student Chapters:

At a University or College where there is an active program engaging students in the pursuit of knowledge about phytotechnologies, students may elect to form a Student Chapter to further those goals. Student Chapters may set up their own dues for the operations of the Chapter, and to either invite speakers in the area of Phytotechnologies, or to aid in student travel to the Society Conference. Students wishing to form a Chapter must apply to the Elected Officers and the Advisory Board for permission to form a Chapter, and a decision will be made within three months of the students submitting all information requested by the Elected Officers and Advisory Board. Members of the Student Chapter must be members of the Society in good standing. The Faculty Advisor for the Student Chapter must be a member of the Society in good standing.

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Plants will not tolerate certain conditions. Too much pollutionwatersalt or other variables can kill the plants in the system. Water solubility of the pollutants effects the system. Plants also have mechanisms to halt the uptake of substances and may not remove a contaminate completely in an acceptable time frame.